ASUNAM - Reiki Master
Asunam is a Certifying Reiki MasterTM, and Director of the Reiki FoundationTM; a select group of Masters who have researched and been indoctrinated into the ancient traditions that Reiki itself comes from. Asunam's experience as a Minister of natural healing encompasses several additional approaches, such as: Subtle Energy work and Color & Sound Therapy. He uses a combined approach which allows for a natural unfoldment of each person's process, blending modes of work as are needed. Each person is treated as unique and their process is understood as such. His work focuses on the removal of energy imbalances which can affect people emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Asunam teaches and lectures throughout the US (including Los Angeles, Houston, Denver, Pasadena, Aurora, etc.) and on site in Europe and other locales by invitation. |
These will be presented for those individuals
who seek a deeper path in healing and
in their personal discipline as it relates
to Buddhist teachings.
These offerings are
the result of the work undertaken by
Rev. Asunam J. Pope, Sensei - over the
past five years; including training,
pilgrimages, and temple studies at
Mt. Koya in Japan 1997 thru 2002.