Reiki is a Japanese healing art that was drawn essentially from Buddhist and Taoist traditions, and synthesized into a palatable system by a gentlemen named Mikao Usui. REI is a Japanese concept that is difficult to find a transliterated definition for. It has appeared in Japanese dictionaries as "ghost-like or heavenly spirits," as found in Shinto and Buddhist spiritual traditions. Thus the main meaning of REI is - "from the higher spiritual realms. Additionally, Japanese dictionaries define KI as mind, spirit, or heart. It lists hundreds of expressions, which use the word KI; most of them are accepted ways of speaking of human temperaments and attitudes. In all schools of Oriental medicine it refers to a subtle form of "vital energy." KI is the life force; a source of internal strength. To put it more simply for the western mind we might say: "KI is a universal energy, capable of infinite expansion and contraction, which CAN be directed, but not contained by the mind. It is the principle of the universe itself. It often refers to more of a philosophical meaning. Thus putting the two together, we have: "The principle of the universe from higher spiritual realms."

It was Mikao Usui's intense desire to understand, share and work with methods to attain "right purpose" of mind and body which would (logically in the setting of Buddhist spiritual discipline) create a harmonious balance within oneself; wherein the result would be the pre-empting of illness. This resulted in the development of Reiki. In the early Buddhist traditions "healing" was a natural evolutionary outgrowth of deep "spiritual development." Today the widespread acceptance and use of Reiki focuses on the healing of energetic imbalances as they present themselves on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

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